Studio: Pride Studios / Extra Big Dicks
Directed by: Pride Studios
Year of Production / Release: 2011
Country of Production: U.S.A.
Steven Ponce
Sean XL
On-Line Only Presentation.
Extensive Photo Galleries of each presentation.
Steven Ponce is back this week and we’re always in for a good time with Puerto Rico’s favorite ginger. Steven is 31 and this San Juan native is gonna help us welcome a new face to the site Mr. Sean XL. Sean is 23 and grew up on the outskirts of the Mojave Desert in Victorville, CA. We don’t wanna get ahead of ourselves, but they do call him Sean “XL” for a reason. We asked these boys if they could open a restaurant what would it be and what it would serve. Sean grins and answers “Mrs. Hat’s Pancakes”. Guests would sit stationary while all the servers were on a type of conveyor belt that went around the eatery and serve as they moved around. IHOP meets the airport. Someone’s been giving Mrs. Hat’s some serious consideration. How do you follow that? Give Steven a minute. We then asked them what their first sexual experience was. Steven’s was back when he was 16 with a “cousin”. It was dark and it just kinda happened. For Sean his earliest sexual memory was walking in on his parents. Enough said…