Studio: Titan Media
Directed by: Bruce Cam and possible others
Year of Production: 2003
Country of Production: U.S.A.
Thom Barron
Dean Coulter
Michel D’Amours
Cal Decker
Talvin DeMachio
Rick Hammersmith
Rick Matthews
Brock McKay
Sean Rider
Mike Roberts
Vinnie Rocko
Terry Rogers
Ty Saunders
Todd Stevens
Rip Stone
Tom Vacarro
Michael Vincenzo
Peter Wilder
Dylan Yates
Combines the solos originally released on TITAN MEN: ALL ALONE IN THE BACKWOODS and TITAN MEN 2: SIZE MATTERS in a 2-DVD Disc package.
Scenes Premier online prior to DVD release and are available to view anytime in the Member’s Area.
Members can watch scenes from almost all Titan Media releases anytime online.