Directed by: Sean Cody
Year of Production / Release: 2010
Country of Production: U.S.A.
On-Line Only Presentation. Members can Download.
Extensive Screen Captures and Download Options.
“I’d like to go into fashion,” Kyle said. “Fashion designer or just anything to do with the fashion industry.”
“Have you had any experience with that?”
“No, not yet.”
“What made you want to do it?”
“Even since I saw my first Abercrombie & Fitch catalog,” he said. “I’ve always been interested in it. Whether I’m on the red carpet interviewing celebrities to see what they’re wearing or if I’m actually making the clothes… it’s all good.”
Kyle’s kind of a party boy, and he and his friends like to hit the town.
“Yeah, we can get into some pretty big trouble if we want to,” he said. “When we’re together things are pretty wild.”
Kyle is single, but says he’s a romantic.
“Cards, flowers, nice dinners,” he said. “I like to make a girl happy!”