Studio: Randy Blue
Directed by: Randy Blue
Year of Production / Release: 2007
Country of Production: U.S.A.
Dakota Rivers
Downloadable On-Line Only Presentation.
One day because I needed a break and wanted to get out and drive I found myself coasting down PCH heading toward Malibu. When the work days are long and more projects are looming I always find I need to leave at noon on some days and have a me day. This day was one of them. We had just finished a particularly grueling week of shooting where we were packing a lot of things in which left time for very little else. I was really needing some fresh air and chance to just walk on the beach, nap in After about 20 minutes I noticed a tall, lean, muscular figure running down the beach. At first he was no more than a spec but after a while mnap in the sun or just read. I found the perfect little cove, spread out a blanket and started to just lie on my stomach and watch the passers by. After about 20 minutes I noticed a tall, lean, muscular figure running down the beach.