Studio: Pride Studios / Circle Jerk Boys
Directed by: Pride Studios
Year of Production / Release: 2011
Country of Production: U.S.A.
Ridge Michaels
Gavin Waters
On-Line Only Presentation.
Extensive Photo Galleries of each presentation.
Connor Maguire: 22, 6’1”, 190, 8”
Reed Royce: 27, 5’8”, 150, 8”
“Better than a Rolls Royce…”
Connor Maguire comes home after way too long and he’s looking better than ever. Connor is now 20 and he’s originally from Washington. Connor is in luck as he helps us welcome a new stud to the CircleJerkBoys’ stable, sexy Reed Royce. Reed is 24 and comes to us from Sand Mountain, located at the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountain chain. Alabama never looked so good! We asked these boys if they were on a deserted island (that somehow had electricity) and you could bring one CD to listen to forever which would it be. Reed would bring anything by Adele; while Connor would bring “The Golden Age of Grotesque” by Marilyn Manson. Obviously they would not be on the same island. We then wondered what they love to eat most. Reed loves sushi while Connor loves Italian cuisine. Following that up, we wondered if their tastes in food reflected their taste in men. Connor would be just fine with Italian men; but Reed’s more into boys like Connor-hot white boys. Both of these boys admit they’re not as picky when it comes to banging girls; but when it comes to other guys they have standards. Imagine that! Well, fortunately, so do we. All standards aside, let’s get this party started!