Studio: Blake Mason
Directed by: Jason Blake and Adam Mason
Year of Production / Release: 2006
Country of Production: Great Britain
Adam [Will Jamieson]
On-Line Presentation. Members can Download.
You know, sometimes I get these quirky, mad ideas in my head that I just instinctively feel are right. I think it was back in April that I first saw a DIY dildo kit and the thought of actually making one with one of the guys on the site seemed appealing. But I just didn’t have the nerve to ask anyone, that is, until recently!
Adam was due to return to make a couple of films and so I finally asked him if he’d be up for doing it. And being the big-hearted and sweet guy that he is, the answer was yes! Now, I NEVER usually film this late in the day but as it was Adam and I, all on our lonesome, I opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate our recent award. Come on, let’s face it, Adam’s “contribution” has been significant to say the very least 😉
So we made this film one evening and it’s very different from all the other films on BLAKEMASON. Why? Because we chat all the way through and any “Adam” fan out there would be off his box to miss this one! And you get to see so much more of the real guy that I know so well that to be honest, it hurts me to share it with you… but then we are talking about the totally gorgeous Adam afterall 🙂
Film duration: 17 minutes, high res file size: 235 MB